BitOps will allow you to automate and streamline your software development process

We believe in a strong you build, you run it way of working and we'll gladly guide your company to the new DevOps way of working.

Way of working

Automated CI pipeline

Test all your code changes automatically every time a code change is pushed to your GIT repository. This ensures high code quality and prevents regression on existing code before creating new releases.

Automated CD pipeline

Automate your release process and deployment process to prevent downtime. The release automation will ensure that no manual/human errors will bring down your production environment. Automating your release process will also ensure a quick and responsive way of working without having to execute manual steps.

Automated infrastructure with GitOps

Automate the roll-out of your middleware and infrastructure by using immutable environments which can only be manipulated by resources managed in GIT. This allows to duplicate environments easily and quickly when needed as well as to make sure all environments are setup in the same way by eliminating manual changes.

Get In Touch

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